As well as comprehensive tax preparation services, we advise clients on personal tax planning to help you lower income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax liabilities wherever possible.
- Basic Tax Returns (employment income)
- Sole Proprietor Tax Returns
- Partner Tax Returns

Wherever possible, we use the EFILE system to file your personal income tax returns. If you’re expecting a refund, in most cases you’ll see your refund in about 2 weeks.
Legally, and regardless as to how much you pay someone to prepare your income tax return, you are ultimately responsible for its contents. We will spend the time with you to ensure you understand what goes into your income tax return, what credits may or may not be available to you, and what documentation you are required to keep.
What we need from you:
- Legal Name
- Current Address
- Social Insurance Number
- Date of Birth
- Marital Status
- Dependants names and dates of birth who reside with you
- Your most recent Notice of Assessment
- All official government slips for income and deductions
- Rent or Property Tax receipts for lower income individuals and families